Healing the Herniated Disc: Physiotherapy’s Guide to Back Pain Recovery

Healing the Herniated Disc: Physiotherapy’s Guide to Back Pain Recovery

Back Pain

Lower back pain is bad enough. But what happens when you add in stiffness and immobility? How about sciatic pain that runs down the length of one leg? Difficulty walking? All of these symptoms could indicate a herniated disc, a common source of back pain (and other unpleasantness)! Fortunately, physiotherapy for herniated disc back pain offers plenty of solutions.

Nestled between the vertebral bones in your spine are intervertebral discs, small, pillowy cushions of cartilage that act as shock absorbers and prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against each other. These cushions are soft and pliable in our youth, but as we get older, they start to dry out and lose some of their flexibility, making them more susceptible to bulging or even tearing.

And when that happens? It’s called a herniated disc, and it can cause a host of different symptoms.

While herniated discs can be extremely painful, they respond very well to physiotherapy, and most people can resolve their herniated discs without resorting to surgery. The team at Evolution Physiotherapy has extensive experience helping people find the best solutions for their herniated discs, from pain management to targeted exercise programs.

Keep reading to learn more about physiotherapy for herniated disc back pain–and how our team helps the community keep their spines healthy and pain-free!

Understanding Herniated Discs: Common Causes and Symptoms

A herniated disc occurs when a spinal injury causes a disc to bulge. In some cases, these injuries are sudden: for example, if you pick something up with improper form, it can cause strain on your spine that leads to a herniated disc.

In other cases, the injury may result from several microtrauma to the spine over time. For example, sitting or standing with poor posture puts intense strain on the spine, gradually overstretching your spinal disc, eventually resulting in a herniation.

Another example of a “slow” spinal injury is actually… aging. While aging isn’t technically an injury, the natural process by which our spinal discs dry out as we get older can lead to disc herniation.

Symptoms of a herniated disc vary based on the location of the affected disc and whether or not it’s irritating any nearby nerves. Some people can suffer a herniated disc and never know it because it occurs in such a way that it simply doesn’t cause pain or impairment.

With that in mind, here are some of the common symptoms of a herniated disc:

  • Pain: The most common location for a herniated disc is in the lower back, although they can also occur in your neck. Herniated disc pain can also radiate into the legs (if in the lower back) or arms (if in the neck). Often, the pain is worse in the morning.
  • Limited mobility: You may struggle to bend your spine or feel “stuck” in a hunched-over position. Some people also struggle to walk or get out of a chair.
  • Other sensations: You might also experience numbness or tingling in your neck, shoulders, and hands or hips, legs, and feet, depending on the injury’s location.

The Physiotherapy Approach to Herniated Disc Back Pain

Studies show that physiotherapist is the most effective treatment for a herniated disc outside of extreme cases (which are relatively rare). Most people can resolve their pain and mobility restrictions with the help of a tailored physiotherapy program. Here’s what you can expect:

  • We start with pain management. Herniated discs can be extremely painful. We’ll help you manage that pain through movement modifications, manual therapy, and pain relief modalities.
  • We get you moving. As with most musculoskeletal injuries, movement is the best medicine for a herniated disc. We’ll progress you through a gentle mobility program to restore your normal movement, including providing you with simple stretches you can do at home.
  • We work to improve areas of weakness. Our therapists will identify any impairments that might have contributed to your herniated disc, such as poor posture or weak core muscles. Then, we’ll show you how to improve these areas to facilitate your rehabilitation.
  • We’ll help you build endurance. Muscular endurance tends to decrease after an injury. We’ll show you how to get back to your pre-herniated disc endurance levels–or improve them!
  • We’ll get you back to the activities you love. An important step in any rehabilitation program is a return-to-activity schedule. We’ll work with you to find out more about your personal activity goals and provide you with a timeline, plus movement modifications, to help you return to them.
  • We’ll help prevent a future disc herniation. Finally, our therapists will provide you with the tools to reduce your risk of another herniated disc. We might teach you proper lifting techniques or provide an exercise program you can continue even when your sessions are over.

What To Expect During Your Sessions

To help you maximize your recovery, our therapists will always begin with a comprehensive evaluation, during which we take a complete health history, review your exact symptoms, and screen for impairments that might have contributed to your herniated disc, such as postural issues or muscular weakness.

We’ll walk you through your customized treatment plan during your subsequent sessions. We often start with manual therapy techniques, such as soft tissue manipulation, to help reduce your pain levels and promote overall mobility. We’ll then have you perform your assigned exercises, modifying or increasing them as needed.

Herniated Disc Back Pain: Physiotherapy Can Help!

A herniated disc can profoundly impact your overall quality of life, keeping you from the activities you need and want to do. But physiotherapy for herniated disc back pain is a proven approach to resolving the condition–and preventing future injuries, too!

If you’re struggling with intense back pain or suspect you have a herniated disc, request an appointment with Evolution Physiotherapy. We’ll help you find the solution that works for you! Call US!


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