
Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy

Do you have an upcoming surgery? Recover faster with our Edmonton, AB clinic!

Are you planning on having surgery soon? Do you have any reservations? That is normal, but there is no reason to be concerned! Evolution Physiotherapy has everything you need for a successful procedure and a quick recovery. You can have faith in your recovery with us. Our pre-surgical physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy programs produce excellent results!

Did you know you have control over how quickly you recover? Your fitness and health prior to surgery play an important role in your post-surgery recovery. Fortunately, Evolution Physiotherapy can help you prepare mentally and physically for a quick recovery after a procedure.


Request an appointment with one of our Edmonton, AB therapists today to learn more about how pre-surgical treatments can help you recover faster from surgery.

What are the benefits of pre-surgical physiotherapy?

Participating in pre-surgical physiotherapy, according to the National Institutes of Health, will improve your postoperative results and shorten your recovery time.

Both before and after surgery, pre-operative exercises will improve your range of motion and movement patterns. You will be able to return to regular function much faster if you go into your surgery with strength, flexibility, and general good health.

The benefits of pre-surgical physiotherapy

We will design a training routine for you to follow throughout your recovery when you begin a pre-surgical physiotherapy program at Evolution Physiotherapy. Here are some compelling reasons to consider physiotherapy before surgery.

Pre-hab can help lessen your current aches and pains.

Our Edmonton, AB physiotherapists, chiropractors, or massage therapists can assist you with your current pain. They may also reduce your chances of experiencing severe pain in the future. Our team may use a variety of therapies, such as exercise, massage, or cold/heat treatments, to help alleviate or eliminate your pain.

It improves the outcomes of your operation.

The better you feel before surgery, the better you will feel afterward. According to the American Physiotherapy Association (APTA), pre-operative rehabilitation can improve surgical outcomes. This is both beneficial to your health and cost-effective!

It Lowers Your Risk Of Complications Following Surgery

Strength and endurance will improve as a result of physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy. As a result, your overall immunity will improve, reducing your chances of infection following surgery.

Pre-hab speeds up your recovery time.

Having strong muscles prior to surgery allows you to return to your normal routine much more quickly. Your recovery should be much smoother if you participate in a pre-surgery rehab program.

Pre-hab may help you avoid surgery entirely.

Yes, you read that right. Your pre-hab may be so effective at relieving pain and improving your overall health that you will be able to avoid surgery entirely. Talk to your doctor about your treatment options if your health improves significantly after beginning physiotherapy, chiropractic, or massage therapy.

Get ready to undergo surgery with Evolution Physiotherapy

Surgery preparation can be stressful, but a pre-hab program can help. We are committed to providing you with the best care possible at our Edmonton, AB clinic. You should begin as soon as possible for the best results. To ensure a faster recovery, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Get Back To A Pain-Free Life With Evolution Physiotherapy!