4 Ways to Lead a More Active Life!

4 Ways to Lead a More Active Life!

4 Ways to Lead a More Active Life!

Running shoes are collecting dust in your closet. The yoga mat is curled up in the back of your car. You keep paying for the gym membership but don’t use it.

How many reminders do you have every day that you don’t get enough physical activity?

We know that sticking to a day-to-day workout routine can be difficult, but hey, no one ever said New Year’s is the only time you can commit to improving your health! You can choose at any time to make positive lifestyle changes. Paying attention to your wellness doesn’t have to be complicated.

Here is a list of tips that (practice name) in (town) has put together for our patients that may serve to help you grow stronger, healthier, and more active. At the very least, these tips may give you an excuse to get some good use out of those yoga pants and fancy gym wear!

How you can begin to lead a more active lifestyle

1. Try your best to eat healthily

No matter how much we deny it, everyone loves to spoil themselves with yummy snacks and treats! Sweets and extra salty foods are weaknesses for many of us, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

The key is to balance those delicious foods with a well-rounded, healthy diet. Here are some tips to get things started:

  • Eat your greens. Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products is the key to a healthy diet. Try to stay away from consuming too much red meat! Beans, eggs, and nuts are also great to add to your daily intake. Keep the saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars to a minimum.
  • Avoid skipping meals. Providing yourself with consistent meals gives your mind and body the necessary fuel to help you become active and stay that way. It also enables you toavoid your blood sugar dropping, leading to irritability, nervousness, and a handful of other unpleasant issues.
  • Choose healthy snacks. It’s a good thing to snack. Doing so keeps you at your best to keep up your energy levels and stay alert. However, picking healthy snacks is key! For example, choose carrots over cookies and peanuts over pretzels.

2. Unleash the power of positive thinking

Our mental health is linked to our physical and emotional states. We know you’ve probably heard it all before, but all that stuff about “mind over matter” really works. The more positive you think, the better you may feel.

According to the Mayo Clinic site, “Positive thinking doesn’t mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life’s less pleasant situations. Positive thinking means that you approach unpleasantness more positively and productively. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst.”

Your body “believes” what you think, so try to keep a healthy attitude and look for the best whenever possible. If you find that you are confused or stuck on how you can get yourself out of a negative direction, repeat the following mantra out loud: I have the power to create change in my life in a positive way.

3. Be sneaky about exercise

Yep, you read that right! This is your permission slip to be sneaky when it comes to exercise!

Frequently, physiotherapists recommend minor changes to a person’s routine to make the adjustments manageable.

Consider these changes to be “bite-size chunks” so that you don’t feel like your entire routine has to revolve around working out.

Some changes to your routine that a physiotherapist would approve of include:

  • Shovel snow, rake leaves, and garden in your yard as the seasons change.
  • Choose the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Exit the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way to your destination.
  • Take the dog on walks around the park or your neighborhood every day.
  • Walk up and down the field while your children are playing sports.
  • Park farther away from your destination and walk the extra distance.

Consult with a physiotherapist about chronic pain

If you have discomfort or pain that is to blame for not having enough exercise in your everyday life, get yourself to a physiotherapist ASAP. Physiotherapy is a healthy, natural way to help alleviate symptoms and relieve pain. The most significant part is that the effects of physiotherapy often are long-lasting for many people.

Chronic pain can put a big damper on anyone’s exercise routine. You might think that something so ordinary would bring more people to physiotherapy, but more than half of the country still suffers from some form of chronic pain that has gone untreated for years.

Physiotherapy can manipulate your bones and joints to reduce discomfort and pain. It can help with all forms of chronic musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain, from chronic migraines to fibromyalgia. A physiotherapist will work with you to build an exercise and movement routine that decreases your discomfort and enhances your range of motion and physical ability.

Physiotherapy can also provide you with laser therapy, massage or microcurrent stimulation, ultrasound therapy, aquatic therapy, and more as needed. The list of ways in which a licensed physiotherapist could be able to get you exercising and living life to the fullest is infinite!

Get started on improving your health and wellness today!

Regardless of your age or condition, leading a healthier, happier, more active life will improve your physical and mental health.

If you would like to help build a plan or alleviate pain, please contact our office to find out if physiotherapy can help you live a more active and healthier lifestyle!


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