Physiotherapy For Ankle Sprains and Strains
If you’re experiencing persistent ankle pain, there’s a good possibility you’ve sustained a strain or sprains. Although these two names are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a significant difference between them.
The good news is that help is offered to you through physiotherapy at Evolution Physiotherapy in Edmonton. To learn more about the natural and effective treatment of pain and prevention of sprains and strains through physiotherapy, please call our office today.
One of our certified physiotherapists will be pleased to see you and assess your condition.
Why did I sustain a sprain or strain?
Symptoms for strains and sprains are very similar, which is another reason people seem to mix the two up!
A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is torn or overstretched. Tendons connect the bones to the muscles and vice versa. Strains in the lower back and hamstrings are the most common. A sprain occurs when a ligament is overstretched or torn. Ligaments are tissue rows that connect the bones in a joint. Sprains are most prevalent in the ankle joint, but they can happen in any joint.
You might experience muscle spasms, swelling and inflammation, decreased range of motion, limited flexibility, and pain around the affected joint.
The biggest difference between the two is that a sprain will normally show up with bruising on the skin around that affected area.
Some ways that you can receive a strain or sprain are as follows:
- Prolonged repetitive motion
- Slipping and falling
- Athletic activities
- Overexerting yourself
- Lifting heavy objects
It’s important to warm up before physical activity to avoid receiving a sprain or strain. Make sure when you’re working out that you are alert and aware of your surroundings, and using the proper equipment as well so you don’t have an accident resulting in one of the two injuries.
There are also environmental factors that can put you at risk as well, such as slippery or icy surfaces, or exercising on rocky ground that could cause you to trip and fall.
How common are ankle injuries?
Although many injuries are more likely to occur as we age, according to WebMD, “Ankle injuries can happen to anyone at any age. However, men between 15 and 24 years old have higher rates of ankle sprain, compared to women older than age 30 who have higher rates than men. Half of all ankle sprains occur during athletic activity. Every day in the U.S., 25,000 people sprain their ankle. And more than 1 million people visit emergency rooms each year because of ankle injuries.”
That’s a pretty impressive statistic, and it just goes to show that literally, everyone is at risk for receiving an injury to their ankle! That’s why it’s incredibly important to be aware of how you’re moving your body in order to prevent one, as well as understanding your treatment options should you get hurt.
What to expect from physiotherapy
You might be recommended by your doctor to visit a physiotherapist, no matter the cause or severity of the injury. Physiotherapy could play a vital role in your rehabilitation, since physiotherapists know a multitude of ways to effectively relieve and alleviate discomforts, such as the ones from ankle sprains and strains. They may also be able to enhance your coordination and strength.
Active therapy in physiotherapy includes targeted workouts and stretching. Passive treatment includes electrical stimulation, ultrasound, massage, and heat therapy. Electrical stimulation and heat therapy are very helpful in reducing ankle pain.
If you have ankle pain from a strain or sprain, or you aren’t sure what your injury is but you have a feeling something is wrong, don’t let it get worse by putting off treatment any longer. Our office is here to help you out!
Get moving again today!
Our qualified and licensed physiotherapists will carry out a thorough evaluation to determine your condition and develop an individualized treatment program. If physiotherapy is the best fit for you, it’ll show in your treatment outcomes! We can’t wait to see you at your visit. Give us a call today to schedule.