With These 3 Tips, You Can Finally Get Rid of Those Nagging Aches and Pains

With These 3 Tips, You Can Finally Get Rid of Those Nagging Aches and Pains

With These 3 Tips, You Can Finally Get Rid of Those Nagging Aches and Pains

It’s strangely satisfying to wake up the morning after a hard workout with a dull ache in your muscles.

However, when that dull ache migrates to your joints on a daily basis, that satisfaction quickly turns to frustration.

The solution is not to take anti-inflammatory medication or simply ignore your joint aches and pains, but rather to consult with a physiotherapist.

If these three reasons for considering physiotherapy for joint pain aren’t enough to persuade you, please contact Evolution Physiotherapy to learn more about our pain-relieving modalities.

1. Physiotherapy can help you find natural relief!

Whether it occurs in your muscles or joints, your body’s pain receptors are there to warn you of a potential problem. Pain signals are designed to keep you from doing permanent damage to your body, whether it is a lack of fluid in the joint, damage to soft tissues like tendons or ligaments, or muscle strain or fatigue. People, however, have a tendency to dismiss pain as an inconvenience rather than a sign of a problem.

If pain is your first indication that there is a problem that needs to be addressed, locating the source of the pain becomes a top priority.

Fortunately, a physiotherapist is an expert not only in human anatomy, but also in how the body moves. During diagnostic testing, they can determine the source of your pain and recommend a course of treatment.

2. Surgery may be avoided with physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is commonly associated with surgery. While physiotherapy is an important part of recovery after nearly every surgical procedure, it is not the only role it can play in healing.

With very few exceptions, physiotherapy can help you resolve most joint pain without ever undergoing surgery.

Physiotherapy has even been shown to be more effective than surgery in treating certain types of joint pain in some cases. Relief from joint pain without the stress and complications of surgery? Please sign us up!

3. Physiotherapy can help you move more comfortably.

Rest is sometimes the best course of action for treating acute joint pain, especially if there has been an injury. However, physiotherapy-recommended targeted exercise can help relieve joint pain and stiffness.

Exercise not only improves your overall health and fitness, but it also works to strengthen the muscles around your joints, giving them more support.

Physiotherapy can also help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your energy, sleep better, and protect your bone density. Now, what does this have to do with arthritis?

According to a 2005 study, losing one pound can relieve four pounds of pressure on your knees. Even a small weight loss of 5 to 10 pounds can relieve 20 to 40 pounds of pressure on your joints. A physiotherapist can assist you in staying active while you recover from joint aches and pains.

Use our passive and active therapies to find relief!

Once your physiotherapy has determined the source of your chronic joint pain, we can prescribe techniques to help you feel and move more like your old self.

Passive exercises, in which we move the afflicted joint for you to increase its pain-free range of motion, may be the first step in joint pain physiotherapy.

Exercises that reduce the amount of weight on the joints can be extremely beneficial as well. For example, we may suggest swimming or water walking as a way to exercise your hips and knees without putting them under too much strain.

Other types of exercises can also assist you in overcoming joint pain and improving joint function. Strengthening exercises benefit the joint by reinforcing the muscles and connective tissues. Corrective exercises and neuromuscular re-education can assist you in maintaining a more upright, symmetrical posture.

Last but not least, physiotherapy provides a variety of beneficial modalities in addition to exercise. We may use heat, ice, and manual therapies such as massage to treat your joint pain.

Are you ready to begin your journey toward relief?

Don’t let joint aches and pains keep you from living the life you want.

Contact Evolution Physiotherapy today to make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists and learn how physiotherapy can help you live a more pain-free life.

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