A Comprehensive Guide to Pre and Post-Operative Physiotherapy

A Comprehensive Guide to Pre and Post-Operative Physiotherapy

Pre and Post-Operative Physiotherapy

Are you scheduled for an elective orthopedic surgery, such as a total hip replacement or an ACL repair? Then you probably know that complete rehabilitation afterward can take some time–as long as a year in some cases! And while post-surgical rehabilitation is unavoidable, you have options for maximizing that time: pre and post-operative physiotherapy.

Granted, most people know they’ll need to spend some time in physiotherapy after their surgery. But fewer have given thought to the idea of physiotherapy before the procedure, even though pre-surgical rehabilitation (or “prehab”) has been shown to improve surgical outcomes.

At Evolution Physiotherapy, we offer both pre and post-operative physiotherapy to the community. We’ll help you prepare for your surgery in the weeks leading up to it; when you’re out of the hospital, we’ll be waiting to help you begin the long journey toward full rehabilitation.

But what happens during prehab and rehab? Why are they so crucial for your recovery? Keep reading to find out!

Pre-Operative Physiotherapy: What You Can Expect from Prehab

Prehab is all about preparing you physically and mentally for your upcoming surgery. Our therapists will work closely with you, your surgeon, and any other care team members to create a customized physiotherapy plan that addresses the specific areas you’ll need to work on. Here’s a sample of what you might expect:

  • Pain management: If you opt for surgery, your pain levels are likely very intense. We can show you drug-free techniques, such as manual therapy, gentle exercise, or other modalities, to help control your pain as you prepare for your procedure.
  • Improved fitness: All surgeries carry some degree of risk. But you can lessen that risk by improving your cardiorespiratory fitness. We’ll help you find exercises that suit your current ability level.
  • Education: Surgery can be anxiety-inducing, but if you know what to expect, you’ll feel more confident in the process. Our therapists can answer your questions–particularly regarding the rehabilitation process.
  • A Head Start on Rehabilitation: Prehab also gives you a head start on that rehabilitation! Now’s the time to learn how to use any crutches, slings, or other mobility aids you may be using after your surgery. We can also show you the simple stretches and mobility work you’ll want to start in the first few days after the procedure.

If you’re going in for an orthopedic surgery, there’s a good chance you’ve undergone some physiotherapy already. Many conditions requiring surgery–such as osteoarthritis–often respond well to physiotherapy treatments and can help delay surgical intervention. Prehab is similar to this type of physiotherapy but with more of a focus on getting your body ready for surgery.

Post-Operative Physiotherapy: What You Can Expect When You’re Out of the Hospital

Of course, prehab is only part of the picture. Post-surgical rehabilitation is crucial in ensuring good surgical outcomes. The sooner you can start moving and mobilizing the joint, the less likely you are to develop scar tissue that can cause problems later on, such as pain or restricted range of motion.

As with our prehab programs, our therapists will work with your care team to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your needs. We aim to help you restore the strength and functionality of your affected joint to where they were before the injury or condition that required surgery in the first place. Here’s how we might accomplish that:

  • Pain management: While your surgeon will likely prescribe pain medication to help get you through the first few weeks, we can supplement it with hands-on techniques like manual therapy. Gentle mobilization of the affected joint is also essential, as it will get you moving early and often!
  • Range of motion and mobility exercises: A few days after your release, you’ll want to begin gentle mobility work to minimize the development of scar tissue. If you underwent prehab, you probably already know which exercises to perform here–but we can make sure you’re doing them correctly.
  • Strength training: As you improve, we’ll begin incorporating strength training exercises into your program. Strengthening the muscles around your affected joint will help build stability and get you back to full functionality.
  • Specialized training: Depending on which joint required surgery, you’ll likely need specialized training to help restore your ability to do everyday movements. We can work with you to improve balance, gait, and work- or recreation-specific movements. It all depends on your needs!
  • Return-to-activity schedules: Finally, we can let you know when you can safely return to your favorite activities–and provide modifications as needed.

Learn More About Pre and Post-Operative Physiotherapy at Evolution Physiotherapy

Many people don’t realize how important physiotherapy is in ensuring a successful orthopedic surgery. Both pre- and post-operative physiotherapy provides a wealth of benefits to those going under the knife. Pain management, therapeutic exercise, and personalized return-to-activity schedules will all help you see the results you want from your procedure.

Ready to learn how our programs can help you? Call to schedule an initial consultation today!


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