The Benefits of Compression Therapy
Have you been dealing with swelling that never seems to go away? Are you looking for an edge in your recovery after an intense workout? Or maybe you have an upcoming surgery and want to ensure the best possible outcome. In all scenarios, compression therapy can help!
At Evolution Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists use the most advanced techniques, including compression therapy, to help our patients recover from injury and prevent delayed recovery after surgeries. Blood flow is essential for the healing and proper functioning of the body, and compression is one of the most valuable tools available to help blood flow more efficiently.
If you are looking for one of the best ways to get swelling under control or want to enhance your recovery after working out, call Evolution Physiotherapy to see if compression therapy is the answer you have been looking for!
What is compression therapy, and how does it help?
Typically, movement in the body stimulates blood flow through the contraction and relaxation of the muscles. If this system is impaired by injury or disease, blood flow is impaired, and swelling builds.
Compression therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses pressure to increase blood flow in the extremities and improve blood flow to the heart. Pressure is most commonly applied through elastic-based garments (i.e., socks, pants, sleeves, etc.) or mechanical compression units (i.e., Pneumatic machines like NormaTec).
Compression garments and mechanical compression units are most commonly used to reduce or prevent swelling, especially after an acute injury or post-surgery. There are several other uses for compression, including:
Pain relief
People often mistakenly attribute the pain solely to the injured tissue after trauma. For many people, swelling is causing the majority of their misery. Reducing the swelling leads to relieving pain, making other activities tolerable.
Quicker recovery
Using compression helps move blood through your system more efficiently. This helps move the waste materials that build up during the healing process to get carried away efficiently, ensure a speedy recovery process, and reduce post-workout soreness.
In addition, studies have found that compression increases the amount of oxygen found in muscles due to increased circulation. Oxygen is fuel for your muscles and helps you recover from soreness due to the exertion of exercise.
Blood clot prevention
The prevention of blood clots (deep venous thrombosis) is one of the most important benefits of wearing compression stockings. Studies demonstrated that compression stockings caused improved blood flow and reduced (eliminated) the risk of clot formation.
Treating Lymphedema
Sometimes, people experience swelling in an arm or leg after cancer-related surgeries/treatments involving the lymph nodes. Compression garments and therapies help reduce the edema and promote recovery.
Compression therapy is one of the most valuable tools for recovery, prevention, and enhanced healing response. At Evolution Physiotherapy, our therapists are highly skilled at identifying when to use compression to ensure your outcomes!
How physiotherapy can help
Rehabilitation should start immediately following most injuries to ensure the fastest recovery possible. One of our physiotherapists will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the severity of your condition and identify any other weaknesses or limitations that may affect your recovery.
Next, your therapist at Evolution Physiotherapy will create a targeted, individualized plan of care for you to promote accelerated recovery and future injury prevention. We will start with pain management, swelling control with compression therapy, and restoring mobility to the injured area.
Your physiotherapist will guide you through exercises designed to progress your strength and functional mobility. We will also incorporate balance and coordination exercises to stimulate the nervous system and help ensure you can resume your normal activities and prevent future injuries.
Request an appointment today!
At Evolution Physiotherapy, we understand what it takes to achieve your desired results. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists and learn how compression therapy can help!
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